The elections to the European Parliament will take place on 9 June 2024. (Photo: Grecaud Paul - stock.adobe.com)
In view of the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, the leading social insurance organisations in Germany have declared:
Democracy, freedom and the welfare state are the cornerstones of our constitutional order. The combination of social accident insurance, pension insurance, unemployment insurance and health and long-term care insurance represents the realisation of the welfare state principle and they all contribute to social cohesion and social peace. Social self-government with its elected representatives from employers and the insured people represents the realisation of the democratic principle in social insurance.
Europe, which is an area of freedom, security and social progress, is based on full respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law. German social insurance represents these values.
The elections to the European Parliament will be held in a week's time. Now is the time to defend democracy, freedom, the rule of law and the welfare state, to strengthen social cohesion and to make a clear stand against agitation, discrimination, hatred and racism. We appeal to all citizens in our country: Use your vote on June 9th. Strengthen democracy.
Social security systems benefit from cooperation at European level when faced with major common challenges. European unification provides specific benefits for its citizens. The open borders between member states make it possible to live, study or work abroad temporarily or permanently. European law ensures that the insured can also rely on good insurance.
Modern and efficient welfare states can only exist in cosmopolitan societies that are characterised by diversity. Diversity also characterises the staff at the health and long-term care insurance funds, the Federal Employment Agency, pension insurance and the social accident insurance institutions. They all stand at the side of people who need help thanks to their own perspectives and their own life experiences. We cannot and do not want to do without any of them!
The social insurance system is the backbone of social security in this country and we stand together in ensuring that both Germany and Europe remain cosmopolitan, diverse and tolerant.
You will have the choice on June 9th. Use your vote!
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Britta Ibald
Stefan Boltz
Deputy Press Relations Officer:
Elke Biesel