Tibiotalar fusion: Survey of biomechanical-functional and health economic parameters to assess the recovery of foot function after tibiotalar arthrodesis.

Project No. FF-FR 0332




The research purpose of this prospective study is to assess the actual condition of patients before tibiotalar fusion surgery and to evaluate the outcome after surgery at standardized time points.


Data collection takes place in the study centers of the BG clinics in Murnau and Ludwigshafen. Various methods of instrumented gait analysis are used to collect biomechanical-functional parameters: marker-based gait analysis, pedobarography, and activity trackers. This allows information to be obtained on any changes in joint angle trajectories and loads in the adjacent joints (small foot joints, knee joint), as well as detecting potential predictors of an unfavorable healing process. Routine radiographs also allow assessment of the bony consolidation and the rearfoot angle achieved intraoperatively. Validated scores such as the SF 36, EQ-5D, and the AOFAS (modified) are used to collect health-economic parameters, and a return-to-work and work disability survey is also performed. The data shown will be collected pre-operatively, as well as 6 and 12 months post-operatively on a total of n=60 patients.

Last Update:

14 Sept 2022


Financed by:
  • Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e. V. (DGUV)
Research institution(s):
  • BG Unfallklinik Murnau

-cross sectoral-

Type of hazard:



rehabilitation, accident

Description, key words:

arthrodesis, foot function, tibiotalar