Evaluation of the effectiveness and benefits of the peer counselling program "Peers im Krankenhaus (PiK, engl: Clinical Peers)" for patients with injuryrelated and other forms of amputation compared to standard treatment or rehabilitation without specific advice from similarly affected persons. Exploration of possible effects of peer counselling through other factors such as socio-demographic variables, accompanying and additional illnesses, type and level of amputation, etc.. Representation of possible influences due to the insurance status of those affected.
Use of existing structures of an established counselling procedure by equally affected peers after an amputation compared to hospitals without counselling. Quasi-experimental, cluster-controlled prospective study at all clinics of the BG Kliniken Group as well as two other clinics. Inclusion of the test persons as part of the initial in-patient treatment after amputation according to medical assessment, study information, expressed interest and written consent to participation and data collection two to six weeks after amputation. Peer counselling as a complementary offer. Recording of basic demographics, injury and amputation details. Query of specific scores and assessments using questionnaires. Primary target criterion health-related quality of life, measured with the Short-Form 36 (SF 36). Secondary target criteria such as the rehabilitation process and success with medical complications, re-hospitalization, the duration of incapacity for work and the ability to work are recorded and supplemented by specific scores on anxiety, pain, stress, prosthesis use and body awareness. Deficits in the activities of daily living (ADL), professional activity and social participation are thus mapped.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:-various
Catchwords:rehabilitation, accident
Description, key words:amputation, Peer-Counseling Program