completed 05/2013
The objective of the research project described here was to develop a bicycle simulator prototype to be used in road traffic education and road safety training, based on the "FIVIS" bicycle simulator developed at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. The prototype had to be universally applicable for different age groups as well as for various applications.
The following sub-tasks have been addressed:
The bicycle simulator "FIVIS" developed at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences is based on flat LCD monitors and a modular frame system. It requires little space and can be built up quickly. This extends the bicycle simulator’s applicability, since the system can be mounted on a mobile platform (e. g. trailer). This allows the system to be deployed at various alternating locations. The simulation software has been extended during the project period. A sample detection system for typical mistakes, such as missing hand signals or disregarding the right of way, has been integrated into the simulator.
Typical hazardous situations have been identified and implemented as scenarios within the simulator. In addition, a didactical concept for the use of the simulator at secondary school level has been developed. First evaluation studies with sixth graders indicate that the simulator is accepted as a reasonable means for traffic education.
The question of whether the use of the mobile bicycle simulator will have the desired effect of reducing the bicycle accident rates can only be answered by conducting a long-term study. Results of first studies involving children of different age groups indicate that simulator training contributes to the handling of real hazardous situations in road traffic, as well as to increase of the overall attentiveness and alertness.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:mechanical hazards
Catchwords:traffic accidents
Description, key words:accident insurance for students, bicycle simulator (FIVIS), traffic education, traffic safety trainings