completed 11/2007
During the "HRCT-Study" in the years 1993 to 1997 with 636 former asbestos exposed persons x-ray and CT examination, a physical examination, an anamnesis, a lung function scan were gathered for each patient. Partly blood samples were taken and stored at the BGFA - Research Institute of Occupational Medicine in Bochum. It is planned to use this highly documented cohort of former asbestos exposed persons to evaluate biomarkers that might lead to an early identification of mesothelioma. Within this partial project the current vital status of the back then examined persons was recorded.
- current address research - mail to local residents´ registration offices and retrieve vital status - detect deceased persons - request death declaration from public health department
Within a vital status inquiry the addresses of 636 persons were compiled with the corresponding local residents' registration offices. From the 137 deceased test persons the cause of death was compiled from the responsible public health departments. Within the mentioned cohort 12 lung cancer diseases and 20 mesothelioma diseases could be detected within the observation period. The results of the vital status update were given to the BGFA for further processing and joining with the biomarker analyses. We expect three publications from the main study. One is already published concerning methodical aspects.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:occupational disease, carcinogenic substances
Description, key words:biomarker, mesotheliom, asbestos, HRCT-Study