completed 10/2002
Tasks performed in a kneeling position frequently lead to disorders of the meniscus or to chronic bursitis on the knee. These conditions are now formally recognized as occupational diseases. In accordance with the PPE Directive (89/686/EEC), knee pads are now subject to compulsory type testing. Before now, however, test requirements and test methods did not exist. Test methods for measurement of the pressure distribution on the knee are to be developed, and requirements defined.
A test method is to be defined which measures the pressure distribution on the knee when knee pads are used. A "test knee" was fabricated for this purpose from the impression made by a male knee. The test knee was to include a suitable facility for measurement of the pressure distribution. Numerous measurements of the pressure distribution were performed with a range of knee pad types and together with comparative sensory tests, in order to define the test requirements.
The test method thus developed is to form part of a European draft standard governing requirements for knee pads.
Further informations:
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:Arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen, Mechanische Gefährdungen
Catchwords:Prüfverfahren, Persönliche Schutzausrüstung, Berufskrankheit
Description, key words:knee protection, test method, meniscus, bursitis, pressure distribution